Newsweek: I Don't Care About Misplaced Classified Documents and I Bet Most Americans Agree With Me

By Stephen Kent : Donald Trump may actually be in big trouble this time. Following his arrest and arraignment in Miami, Trump pleaded not guilty to 37 charges related to illegally retaining classified documents. He is the first former president to be brought before a federal judge on criminal charges, and by extension, Joe Biden is presumably the first sitting president to green-light a prosecution of their biggest electoral rival.

All available evidence shows Donald Trump behaving as the worst possible version of himself as it regards the trove of classified documents scattered throughout Mar-a-Lago with reckless abandon. And if you take Democrats and Republicans on the Hill and in the partisan media seriously, you'd think they actually cared deeply about government policy on the handling of sensitive documents. But they don't.

One of the many blessings of being an independent voter with libertarian tendencies is that I sincerely do not care about this, and don't feel obliged to pretend. And I happen to believe most people watching this festival of partisan finger-pointing quietly agree with me.

Ever since Hillary Clinton received a contender for the worst October surprise of all time in then-FBI Director James Comey's press conference to reopen the infamous emails investigation, it seems like we've been trapped in an endless cycle of retribution over government documents. They're here, they're there, they're everywhere! Bathrooms, office floors, garages, you name it.

<< Read the full piece in Newsweek >>

Stephen Kent